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Some people have been tremendously supportive on my journey to becoming successful online, and so I wanted to share some of these lessons I have learned. I have put together 10 tips that you can use in your industry for you to be successful as well.
Don’t forget to check the sidebar and footer of this website for awesome resources!
Tips I have learned over the course of my journey to get your business going.
♥ When you are branding your business, make sure all platforms have the same font size, colour, images as well as the same theme across all social media platforms.
♥ If you prefer to use a particular social media platform use 3 that you mainly want to focus on and divide each with about 30 minutes of your time engaging with prospects and sharing content. Another useful tip is to always be mostly engaged on off-peak times.
♥ If you do not have a website, you can create a Facebook business page, start putting yourself out there by adding value and not to spam other person’s group. No matter if you are in the fashion or coaching industry when you decide to invest in a website, WordPress is the way to go. It’s ranking with being found on Google is far way better than the other platforms, and it’s free.
♥ If you are going to do an AD, make sure you have an opt-in for your ideal clients and before the opt-in, make sure you have an autoresponder to build your list.
♥ Whether you blog, share or nowhere to be seen, get yourself out there by giving value, even though this may be similar to number 2. You can start off by writing and sharing your expertise this can be done by way of video, using the social media platforms that offer you to record yourself doing a tutorial such as Periscope, or even a simple video tip. Whichever way, it’s always best to let others know you are an expert, even if you think no one is looking. When the time is right, you will appreciate that you have started somewhere.
♥ Don’t sell your services or products to prospective clients on the first meeting. When you decide to do so is entirely up to you, but I would have hated if each time I came across you, I was being pitched to. Show them you care and add value and benefit by being outside of the box. Being helpful and supportive goes a long way, more so than making a quick buck. It’s better to build relationships than services.
♥ Just because your business is online does not mean that your services/products will have to be online. Get yourself out there and network with others in your industry, even with those who are your ideal clients. “Building relationships here again”.
♥ Sharing is caring; you do not have to limit yourself to only being an expert in your industry if your clients can benefit from another service that someone you know offers; you can mention this in a post or even allow that person to guest post on your blog.
♥ Always be in a supportive group where you can learn and grow in your industry. Chances are, you are the only one in your family at present who is working online. Even though your family might get this, they do not understand its entirety. It’s always a great idea to be in a group or community with others who are experiencing the same issues as you are. Don’t be afraid to share, as you might inspire someone who was on your journey a year ago, also learning new trends and courses are always essential to be successful in this business.
♥ Lastly, self-care, you would have thought that this will be the first one for you, but I know you are always taking care of others and you are last on the list, but yet you know that if you do not take care of you, you will suffer, the business will suffer, the household will suffer…we can go on and on with this but it’s best in the beginning of your business to start scheduling those days for you, whether it will mean that on Mondays you will go to the hairdresser to do you, do it with no hesitation.
It was nice of you to stop by.
Until then, happy hiring, and best wishes with your business.
Don’t forget to check the sidebar and footer of this website for awesome resources!
Photo Credit: Haute Stock