How are you from the last time you read my blog?
If you are new, welcome to my blog!
“Today I blog”,
“The next day I won’t, or maybe even so”.
“I don’t like to”.
“I will do it tomorrow”.
Can you relate?
Does this seem like you when you are running your business, but you have heard in order to stay consistent and stay high on Google you have to blog to show that you are an expert.
Either you blog or you do some YouTube videos showcasing your skills, here is what I do to get my mojo back in place when I know that I have to let you great “enthusiastic” know how to blog for your business as well.
Don’t forget to check the sidebar and footer of this website for awesome resources!
Let others know your expertise.
Here goes, so I will recommend that you do some part of letting others know your expertise either if it’s by doing a blog, a Periscope or even a video.
But you have got to get your name out there showcasing that you know what you are selling or doing.
I start by using a blog editorial calendar. I will schedule a specific day when I am in tune to do some writing. You can check out my previous post on recommended tools I use when I blog.
When I am in my content editorial calendar I tend to formulate some topics that will go well with what I would want you to know about my services or even how you can benefit from the knowledge I share.
Draft your blog with additional help.
When I have brainstormed about 3-5 topics I start writing my drafts of what I want to be shared with you ladies. I tend to do two posts of content at a time, whenever I schedule that particular day if I can do more than the two I tend to but no more than five.
After I am finished with my draft, I do not send it over to my proofreader and editor. I also tend to draft at least ten or more and send them over in bulk that when I am ready to schedule my blogs via here on my website or social media I have enough in place to last me a lifetime!
No just kidding. I normally choose to send my blog posts mid-week this is more likely on a Thursday. I do not want you my readers with overload.
But that all seems so nice and dandy and seem like I am oh so well organized and streamlined, but there are days when you want to put something together, you might feel stuck and might be even lost for ideas and just do not want to do this.
I have prepared myself to hire out good content writers for me to assist with formulating my content so that it’s able to make an impact and that you can understand what I am saying clearly and precisely.
Bring your expertise across by blogging!
I know blogging might not be for everyone so what I have planned to do in advance is to hire a copywriter, send out those emails to individuals who I will want to guest post on my blog as well as have my proofreader in place for when I have actually written my blog.
The majority of the time I tend to do my blogging I do so by drafting in my content calendar. When I feel stuck and I do not know how to say what I need to say across I hire out for help.
I have also come across some wonderful resources for brainstorming my blog posts as well. These will be useful for you because I know it has helped me. This information can be found here, it’s 51 Blog posts Ideas for you to start to ponder and brainstorm with.
Now I must admit that most of you might be quite bolder and want to share your tips on videos. I recommend that if you do want to go this route, do not make your videos go any more than 5 minutes. If you are going to make an impact that makes you stand out from the rest, try to do your tips in bulk as well so that you can schedule them in advance consistently.
It was nice of you to stop by.
Until then, happy hiring, and best wishes with your business.
Don’t forget to check the sidebar and footer of this website for awesome resources!
Photo Credit: Haute Stock
Thanks Juli for your tips. I was thinking of including more blogging too to come with videos. I will use your tips.
That’s great Ursha! All the best.
I have to admit that I am still struggling to make my editorial calendar. This post is such a good reminder. I am checking out the tools that you recommend as well. Thank you.
Anmaria thank you so much! All the best.
This post is a great resource. Thanks for the great tips!
Thanks, Kelly! All the best.
Great tips that are soooo useful and valuable for us bloggers!!
Sophie xx
Thanks Sophie! I appreciate this.
It is hard for me to keep it constant, but I know I have to.I love blogging but as a full time worker it is hard to keep up with it.I wanna say you blog is so great .thank you and keep up the good work
No problem Lindsay, we all had to start at 0 so hang in there.